J’avais un grand besoin de vacances cet été. En rétrospective, je ne pense pas avoir pris de pause professionnelle depuis les balbutiements d’Explorai, en mars 2020. Je ne vous cache rien
Not so long ago (well, two years ago), I created a series of posts about Explorai : who we are, what we do and how we do it. Interleaved within these posts were a
Last week I did a quick post bragging about an upcoming change in our branding. Oh, pretty you added some colours !Well... yes ... we added some green. Yes, that's pretty much all there
A wind of change is coming to Explorai. Our corporate image is having a makeover. Our branding has been quite static since its original creation. A logo. A little bit of white, a
It's been a year since I posted an update. It's not that I don't like sharing. It's definitely not because I am ashamed of our progress. I lacked time, and decided to prioritize