The Making Of Explor.AI - part 1

As I mentioned in my previous post, 2020 was full of moments were I was ashamed of not giving enough time as a CEO or as a DAD...

To better understand how I handled this, let's start by looking at where's business idea came from.

The business idea - AI As A Service

I worked on's business plan for the most part of 2019. As a Chief Data Officer at Biron Health Group, and had multiple pain points I wanted to fix :

  • Access to full time or part-time AI expert talents was really hard
  • Business Intelligence experts need sporadic help on their AI / ML projects
  • AI partners/companies willing to step in for small (less than 40h) projects were, inexistant
  • There is a gap between AI Experts and Software Developers, placing ML/AI solutions deployments somewhere in the middle of their expertises

Operationalizing Data Science

Additionally, I started getting more familiar with solutions and methodologies that can drastically reduce the time spent on a data science project. I call this "Operationalizing Data Science". Breaking down the different steps of data science in sub-expertises, using the proper (modern!) tools, using already proven approaches... Put together as a whole, the system proved capable of reducing the cost of projects, opening up the possibility to tackle some projects in as little as 5 hours.

Adding in the recent development of AutoML tools, I felt had the recipe for a service offer that could drastically lower the cost of AI projects in general.

Using AI to build AI

Our mission statement (which admittedly is still a work in progress in 2021!), is to

Apply artificial intelligence on data science processes to reduce the initial costs of new projects, optimize the time of data scientists / AI experts and make it easier to turn a positive return on investment on short projects

I have a fair amount of experience on operations and processes in general, and have put a lot of efforts on minimizing the costs normally associated with launching and deploying machine learning systems for clients. That is, we reduced friction between the client's team and's team in a way that reduces project overall costs.

AutoML tools are a significant part of this system and, incidentally, developed quite a bit of expertise in that field!

Next up : What really happened the day I launched!

Olivier Caron-Lizotte

Olivier Caron-Lizotte

CEO and founder of Explorai, Olivier wants to bring machine learning to a wider market.