Remote work works (bis)

Not so long ago (well, two years ago), I created a series of posts about Explorai : who we are, what we do and how we do it. Interleaved within these posts were a couple of images of what is now my Semi-Permanent-Bi-Annual-Official-Remote-Working-Location.

This summer 2022, its the third year I work from the middle of nowhere (sorry, I mean St-Cyrille-de-Lessard).

The kids love it, I love it, my colleagues don't mind it, so it's a win win scenario! Yes?

Well... It does not have Gigabit internet with no lag.

There are bugs (like, real ones, that creeps on your leg while your in the middle of a meeting).

And when something breaks, your quite far from your favorite store...

I got to deal with crazy weather events like heavy rain (you can't hear yourself talk on heavy rains in a trailer camp), giganormous hailstones that broke all our tents and rainbows (don't laugh, these are the worst : when you can't stop staring, it drops your productivity level).
Rainbows are the worst

So, its definitely not as comfortable as a house, and my productivity drops slightly.

For a young company, that means loosing opportunities. Which, for a Data Science team, is quantifiable. So why do I keep at it?

Well, its 2022, remote work is the new norm and employee retention is a major priority.

For Explorai, "remote" work is part of our DNA, and we love those little bugs : they make work-life worth living.

If you want to here more of my stories, drop me a line :)

Olivier Caron-Lizotte

Olivier Caron-Lizotte

CEO and founder of Explorai, Olivier wants to bring machine learning to a wider market.