The Making Of Explor.AI, part 7

In my previous posts, I mentioned I was at home with the kids. Well, I was looking forward to school time, as a way to dedicate more efforts to Let me tell you what actually happened in september, when I could suddenly put much more efforts in the company.

September 2020

School starts, which means I now have an additional 6 hours a day to work on (only 6 hours? Yes, we decided to not leave our kids at school after class, and school ends at 2:30pm...).

Yay! Its going to go so well with all that time!

Well, turns out last summer I had shoveled quite a bit of work in front of me.

It took the entire month to close the year (fiscal year ends sept 30, and I had not done any book keeping), sign marketing agreements, give interviews, pilot a MiTACs project, deploy our platform, prepare for Datapreneur's pitch (and I reallllllyyyy needed that practice!!), recruiting... and all those little things entrepreneurs have to deal with.

(on a french employee contract it would be written "Autres Tâches Connexes" : unrelated tasks that would end up being 50% of your true, daily workload!)

All this while prospecting and meeting 1-2 potential clients everyday.

Quoting. NDAs. SoWs. Consulting. Team management.

I loved it. I mean, I love it!

Sure it's a lot of never ending work. It very literally never ends. You rarely do all the work you had planned on your day. And you always end the day with a pile of work remaining.

But that's part of life. Most pleasures in life are in the process of attaining them, not in the end result itself. When you know that, you can work at a pace and with a degree of pressure that is manageable.

Next week will be my last post on the making of!

Olivier Caron-Lizotte

Olivier Caron-Lizotte

CEO and founder of Explorai, Olivier wants to bring machine learning to a wider market.