The new image of Explorai

Last week I did a quick post bragging about an upcoming change in our branding.

Oh, pretty you added some colours !

Well... yes ... we added some green.

Yes, that's pretty much all there is to it.

But! There is a reasoning behind this change, and it mostly happened recently. In the past year, I did a few blog/posts about how we distributed marketing activities within Explorai. And as a Data Science company, you can imagine we measure and quantify a lot of our activities. Guess what we discovered?

Each employee has the liberty to contact different types of industries they think would benefit the most of our expertise. And we all have some freedom about who we reach out to.

As it turns out, without doing it consciously, we where all reaching for environmentally friendly companies/industries/projects.

Circular economy, agriculture, carbon footprint minimisation, recycling ... most of our cold reach activities resolved around connecting partners on these subjects.

Hence, the new logo with a little touch of green, to represent our shifting (or let say improving) core values at Explorai. :)

What do you think?